Monthly Archives: November 2019

7 shorts of Dr. Lao.

Yes, it’s on! Time for some shorty shorts! 2nd litter of the year can naturally be found in SHORTS.

“Branching paths” weighs it’s options very carefully. Nonetheless, the result will be undecided. Small woodwind line-up in the starring role.

“Redend II the palindrome” is an enhanced version of a tune I made earlier. I’m sure the title explains itself. Symmetry for the win! Lars, pls.

“Flummoxed” is not much more than a synthesizer loop with a minimalistic melody.

Hmm, now that I think about it, I guess this was the “Shorts, the puzzling edition”.

Coming up the next week: Well, you know.


The Yamaha DX7 was one of the most popular synthesizers of the ’80s. I guess it’s safe to say so without sounding like an ad, because they stopped manufacturing these things in 1989.

DEXTER was produced using only DX7 emulators. That’s why the title. So it has nothing to do with the TV series or Dexter Gordon.

Pretty nasty sounds, eh?

By the way, what’s the plural of the word “series”?

Serieses? Seriei? Serises’ui? Seriendenum?

Whaddya know, the word “series” is both singular and plural. Thanks Mr. Google!


“Day off from loneliness” is the kind of a tune, that’s really hard to describe. Therefore, what I’m doing here, is telling you what it is not.

It’s not very melodic and it has no beat, it just floats there. It moves around so slowly, that one might not even notice it. It doesn’t belong in any specific style. Other than maybe some sub-genre of new age music.

So, maybe it’s “new age muzak for your daily relaxational needs”?

Hey, that’s pretty good.

Let me start over.

Ahem, your friendly neighbourhood kongano proudly presents: DAY OFF FROM LONELINESS, a masterpiece of new age muzak for your daily relaxational needs.

Try, and you shall succeed!