Monthly Archives: September 2024

Let It Flow.

Soundcheck is the ultimate bringer of ideas, cornucopia of riffy stuff unheard, and a pretty good situation to come up with something new! That’s when your musical defences are down, you’re just messing with an instrument without a plan or compass.

FEATHER FLOW came to me while doodling with a guitar: Playing E-major – adjusting the amp – playing A-major + a few notes here and there – adjusting the tone, reverb and so on – repeating the procedure until forgetting that you was supposed to look for a nice sound, not write a song.

Well, I’ll take it.

Also, the vibe and mood of the tune translated perfectly from my head into the tape. This is a pretty rare occasion. I usually hit very near the center, because it’s fun to leave some space for changing you mind during production. This time the path was unsurprising but pro.

I’ll take that 2.

Gtr Wth Shrd Nd Sht.

… and then, even more that guitar-oriented stuff:

HYPNOTIZER. It’s mid-tempo-heavy-mania to the max! Like med-swing of metal, without the swing or med, because it’s metal and everything goes to eleven, except time signature.

Starting about 1.57 and onwards, you can hear these notes, the little quick ones. They kinda remind me of Doom. Not the impending one, but the 1995 game.

In case you didn’t know, Doom’s soundtrack is… umm, heavily inspired by several well known rock & metal songs. There’s the “not-Behind the Crooked Cross” by not-Slayer and the tune that doesn’t at all have strong resemblance to “Angry Chair” by Alice In Chains. Doomwiki (I’m sure there is one) tells you the rest of the story.

So, Doom copies metal classics and I’m ripping off Doom. What’s next? Anthrax records an soundtrack album full of kongano originals for the all-female reboot of Doom the Movie, thus completing the circle?

Be my guest.

Also, Nice Variety Between Parts.

“Hmm, I think I’ve got very few tunes with guitar in it, and now that I’m feeling like playing guitar, I really should make guitar-oriented songs.”

Aaand then it turns out ¾ tunes this month have guitar in ‘em…

So, I guess I’m recording guitar at night while sleeping, or just don’t keep tabs of the contents of my hard drive.

Anyway, POPPING WITH A STRANGE CURVE is the name and… umm… popping with a strange curve is the game. Check the EQ of your music player. You’ll get it.