Monthly Archives: August 2024

Party Like It’s 1515!

And then we get renaissance on your brain!

When you say the word aloud, the image you get is probably paintings by those grand old men, many of which depict people who pose with a face we nowdays see in passport pictures.

Also Italy. High arts, low democracy, the quality of wine somewhere in between.

But what about the common people? You know, Bruno the Butcher & Letizia the Laundress? How they were doing? Poverty more than Pavane, I’m sure of that.

How about our song here, is it more the court etiquette or bloody peasant stuff? I’d say, it’s in the middle. Sort of “wearing stockings & going to the pig house to check if the ol’ Buttercream’s wig is free of louse”.

So, MISS PICARDYS JUMP AND RIBBON. The title is a reference of John Dowland’s way of giving weird titles of his tunes.

And hey, it’s recorders all right. A little break from stringed instruments.

They Usually Come In Pairs.


Get Back, Got To Get Yo Into My Life, I’ll Get You, When I Get Home

Back in the U.S.S.R., Can You Take Me Back?, I’ll Be Back

A Day In The Life, Baby’s In Black, Devil In Her Heart, I’m In Love, In My Life, In Spite Of All The Danger, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, She Came In Through The Bathroom Window, Why Don’t We Do It In The Road

Here There and Everywhere, I Saw Her Standing There, There’s A Place

All roads lead to Rome.

Red Circus.

Hey, you know that circus song? The one that you and everyone associates with circus. Yeah, that’s the one!

You know what’s the songs title, you made it and when?

Neither did I. It’s called “Entrance of the Gladiators” by Czech composer Julius Fučík, the birth year being 1897. You’re welcome.

(Ok, I’ve fabricated this kind if information in the past, for humouristic purposes. However, this time the facts are real)

((The second song at least I associate with circus is of course “Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite!” by the Beatles))

I thought the world could use some more circuscian & carnivalian music. So, CIRCUS IS HERE AND CARNIVAL TOO.

No ambiguity there. Also no orchestra, just some tasty reed organ stuff!