Monthly Archives: September 2023

Template Pop.

Yes, as the title suggests, I had template when starting to work on the piece, that became MIELIOPPIVIRNE.

(Template in this case meaning I had a specific tempo & style. Also the number of bars in all the parts – intro, A-part, B-part – were pre-set.)

However the music here is all original, and if I may say – and I may – it came out pretty neat!

I really should make use of templates such as this. Maybe put up a nifty set of instruments, save it and re-use it.

Note to self: Make templates & use ‘em, you big dummy!

Well, Maybe Just Once.

Well, there’s a whole lotta breathing going on. And why not. Breathability is pop.

NEVERMORE shall be placed in the “ethnic” category, although I think “world music” would be a more suitable word to describe it.

There’s basically two parts in the tune: The first, more mystic & oriental one, and the second which to me sounds more folksy European stuff. The change is also marked with a slight increase of tempo.

So, international co-operation it is!

We sure could use some more of it.

Pastiche Time.

In my notes, concerning OSAKA LIGHTSABER, says the following:

“Just tell ‘em the whole story, honestly.”

So, that’s what I’m going to do here: The tune is made in the style of 1980’s King Crimson. I really like 80’s Crimson. And 60’s Crimson. And 70’s, 90’s, 00’s…

And that’s pretty much the whole story.

I’ve had the main riff for years, so it was about the time to use it. It’s definitely a lot more simplistic than many of the KC-riffs, but I think you still get the picture. Fun, shameless fun.