Monthly Archives: June 2024

Put (something) to (good) Use.

“Tangerines in a bowl of glass…”

That was a line from a song I made – but never completed or recorded – some years ago. It was meant to be acoustic guitar-strumming kinda folk-pop-piece, with vocals and all. But like I said, I was not meant to be, because I decided so.

So, Tangerine here is the remnants of that song… That sounded awful… Umm, let me rephrase:

So, TANGERINE here is a recontextualized version of that song.

Well whadda we got here, a regular Longfellow with posh words & fancy talks?


Listit Yet Again.

Stuff I Never Remember:

– Who shot J.R.
– Buy chili powder & flip flops
– Wer macht die bür?
– Thoroughly clean the bathroom
– Not wear a jacket when taking out the trash, because it’s summer & hot
– What’s the name of the country, right next to the other country which name I also can’t remember
– Free Tibet
– Go Out Jogging

The rest I remember perfectly. Also, BELLS OF SUMMER. Ding-dong.

Note Ho Note.

So, when I was listening this one right after getting it out of oven… I started hearing this… well, thing, that was not meant to be there… a single note repeating right on par with a drum thingy… it was sort of like a ONE HOT NOTE.

Although accidental, I liked it, so I kept it!

The bummer here is that I don’t hear the dang note anymore. I suppose, immediately after the note became deliberate, it also stopped standing out of the crowd.

Well, that’s cool.

Todays keywords: Co-operation, conjuration and conjunction…

Hang on! Conjunction… con—junction, like a cheaty turn.

Also todays keywords: Wile E. Coyote, mind, blown.