Monthly Archives: March 2025

Flaming Stratocasters.

Yes, we rock!

I don’t have a lot to say about SIT AND BURN. It rocks pretty hard and there’s a lot of tom-tom. The big one.

Distorted Stratocaster sound is… well, there’s just something about it. Sometimes it may sound a bit weak, but on some occasions, like now, it just fits the like a donut in a piggy bank – meaning splendidly!

The main riff may not be the most original riff ever. It sort of resembles about 14000 other songs, but hey… Every one of those 14000 songs took great inspiration from a song “Grmph” Ugnu the Caveman made some 140000 years ago.

So yeah. Rock!

2. Fix

… I contacted the synthesizers dev.

The guy responded very quickly via email. He was very polite and keen to help me fix the issue, and after a few messages back and forth he found a solution. Wanna know what it was?

“Check this box.”

Then, my favourite software synth back online, I thought: I might as well make another version of the tune, with the original soundset & vision. And so I did, and here it is: NOIDANKUKKA classic. The word classic refers to the retro synthesizers in use. Otherwise the song is exactly the same as our previous tune.

(Oh yeah, there’s the french horn which was also featured in the last weeks tune, it being the only real instrument there… Although it’s not “real” in the truest sense of the word, because it’s just 1’s and 0’s in a box… I don’t even have a french horn and in fact it happens to be one of the intruments I’ve never played in my life, the others being kazoo, heckelphone and left-handed guitar)

Anyway, that’s it for now. Coming up: Very rock!

1. Problem

So, a while ago I started produding stuff with crystal clear vision. It was one of those times, when I jokingly said to myself “hey, it’s almost done”, when in fact I was only booting up my recording software. Everything was coming up Milhouse.

Problems only occurred when I was exporting the recently finished song: The software synthesizers – which was almost the only instrument in use – somehow “went down” on several points of the track, creating unwanted silences to the tune. I had never experienced anything like this, and I’ve used the synth in question multiple times before. I tried my best to fix the issue – I’m not gonna bore you with details – but nothing seemed to work.

Determined to finish the song the same day, I then took a alternative route: I switched to another synthesizer and essentially changed the whole soundset I was using. The result was NOIDANKUKKA (= witches flower), and despite all the extra trouble, I was quite pleased with result.

After a good nights sleep, I started investigating the issue again, because the pest of a synth was, and still is one of my favourites. I tried this & that, but whatever I did do, the problem persisted. A little frustrated, I did the only possible thing I could think…

To be continued.

Two-chord Miracle.

Something we, or me and my site were desperately lacking: More latin!

Ager plenus anguillarum!

Heh, a little joke there. Seriously, latinic music time it is:

SOUTHERN EXPOSURE is jolly and it has many, many elements that might be from caribbean or south- or central-america… In fact all the other americas except the northern one… Or maybe our little song here has some qualities that can be heard in some parts of Miami, and most parts of Texas, Arizona, California & New Mexico. (Or is now called New America?)

But, Canadian this is not, nay I say. And most definitely not Alaskian… Alaskan… Old Russian-American, and Sicilian this is no more than pianos fly in the spring!

I neededn’t sayeth no more!