1. Problem

So, a while ago I started produding stuff with crystal clear vision. It was one of those times, when I jokingly said to myself “hey, it’s almost done”, when in fact I was only booting up my recording software. Everything was coming up Milhouse.

Problems only occurred when I was exporting the recently finished song: The software synthesizers – which was almost the only instrument in use – somehow “went down” on several points of the track, creating unwanted silences to the tune. I had never experienced anything like this, and I’ve used the synth in question multiple times before. I tried my best to fix the issue – I’m not gonna bore you with details – but nothing seemed to work.

Determined to finish the song the same day, I then took a alternative route: I switched to another synthesizer and essentially changed the whole soundset I was using. The result was NOIDANKUKKA (= witches flower), and despite all the extra trouble, I was quite pleased with result.

After a good nights sleep, I started investigating the issue again, because the pest of a synth was, and still is one of my favourites. I tried this & that, but whatever I did do, the problem persisted. A little frustrated, I did the only possible thing I could think…

To be continued.