Traditional special musical point of the year Part 2: The Halloween!

Yay, it’s almost time for everyone’s favourite pagan ritual day, that has been compressed into a mindless celebration of consuming & gluttony.

I tell you no lies, I always find it fun to make these scary bits.

SPOOKY BOOGIE rides the line between “Critters” (1986) and “Beetlejuice” (1988). So, what we’ve got here is something, nooot really that scary.

Horror movies have really got significantly better recently. 90’s and early 00’s was such a miserable time with endless serial criminals & self-awareness & stuff.

Now go watch “Suspiria” (2018) if you have the guts or “One Cut Of The Dead” (2017) if you want to laugh out loud.

They’ll be the ones to have your guts…