Just Dec Things.

Oh look, it’s december. You know what it means? (Two things)

That’s right. Räntä and sohjo.

Räntä is the heavy rain coming from the sky. It’s one part snow, one part water and one part screw you. It makes you soaking wet in a matter of seconds and if there’s any wind, it blinds you completely. You wearing a black overcoat? Not anymore! Bing, you’re a snowman now.

Sohjo is räntä’s evil counterpart. It forms when räntä hits the ground and joins hands with it’s brethren. Sohjo’s ultimate goal is to make you slip ‘n slide, although sometimes it settles for infiltrating your footwear, in case there’s any dry spots left. Sohjo + traffic = tons of fun for the whole family!

That’s december for you.

Also, SATUMAISTA. It tells a different tale, in E- and C-major.